Developing a best in class HCP resource for HIV

Our client challenged us to develop a comprehensive digital communication strategy designed to effectively reach specialist and generalist HCPs working with people living with HIV (PLHIV). Specific asks included:

  • To educate HCPs on the changing HIV treatment landscape
  • To be live in time for a major conference in six months’ time
  • To underline the client’s commitment to HIV


To build our strategy on data, our first step was to undertake a thorough research and insights project. Core elements included:

  • Audience insights: building a coherent picture of the online consumption and content needs of relevant EU HCPs
  • Market and competitor insights: understanding both commercial and non-commercial competitor activity in the HCP HIV space, and our client’s relative positioning
  • Legacy asset audit: extracting residual value from legacy assets by considering reuse or repurposing

As a result of this work we were able to recommend:

  • A clear strategic direction: to develop and promote an HCP-led, user-centric website capable of becoming the go-to HIV resource for HCPs across Europe
  • A pragmatic approach to deliverability:
    • Consolidate existing assets under the umbrella site, repurposing previous content and strategically developing fresh material
    • A phased approach enabling the site to be live in time for the conference without limiting the project’s long-term ambition. Insight from each phase would inform subsequent developments and localisations.


The following areas were key to project’s success:

  • User-centricity was enhanced by our audience insights:
    • Content was aligned to audience (and search) needs, while flexing for the differing ‘mental models’ which research told us HCPs adopt when treating PLHIV
    • Site design and functionally was created for HCP-specific behaviours identified across devices and platforms
  • Discoverability of the site was vital to achieving the client’s objective so was front of mind from the start. Practically this meant:
    • Producing SEO-friendly content aligned to HCP search themes, with a particular focus on ‘winnable’ niche terms
    • Developing an ongoing programme of timely and topical content designed for distribution across paid search, programmatic and social channels. This content also aids reengagement, giving visitors a reason to return.
  • Product and business requirements were met by:
    • Integration of OneKey HCP verification, meaning the site is capable of hosting promotional/product content


To measure the success of the website and accompanying communication ecosystem we developed an integrated dashboard allowing all markets quick access to key metrics and ensuring comparability across territories.  Measures of success include:

  • Site live in time for the conference deadline, with subsequent phases also on track
  • 45,000 visits from HCPs within six months and around 400 downloads (a key conversion point)
  • Adoption of reporting dashboard by other therapy areas within our client’s business
  • Integration of content from multiple client-side teams aiding operational efficiencies and avoiding information silos
  • Localised site live in one market with localisation underway in six territories
  • Got a question about this case study? Want to know more about our capabilities? Get in touch at We’d love to hear from you.